Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/26 70th Anniversary of India Lecture

    105 Arjona, 3:30 pm



    Karuna Mantena, Associate Professor, Yale University 

    The Grammar of Anarchy or the Safeguard of Freedom?

    Gandhian Satyagraha and  Democratic Politics

    This talk explores the place of satyagraha, or nonviolent direct action, in democratic politics. It begins with the way Gandhi thought satyagraha could be differentiated in practice from lawlessness or anarchy, on the one hand, and pure power and coercion, on the other. The talk also considers examples of nonviolent political movements in post-independent India and the challenges they have faced.

     This is the annual Radha Devi Joshi Foundation Lecture.









    For more information, contact: Betty Hanson at