Training and Professional Development

  • Preparing Your Online Winter Course

    Is your Winter course ready? Have you created your syllabus and selected your books?  

    Review the list below for important steps to take before the summer session arrives:

    • Review Best Practices and Expectations for Online Teaching at UConn.

    • Request your HuskyCT online course site AND request HuskyCT content be restored from a prior semester, if re-offering a previously taught course. See Getting Started with HuskyCT in 2 Quick Steps!

    • Review ALL pages of your course content and fix any broken hyperlinks, images, instructions, etc.  

    • Update your syllabus and any other instructor-specific course materials.

    • Requirements Regarding Textbooks

      • In order for the University to receive student financial aid from the federal government, we must comply with the Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA). One provision of the law deals with access to affordable course materials for students, and requires that the University provide the list of prices and ISBN codes of the required and recommended textbooks for each course listed on our online registration schedule.

      • To comply with the law, it is very important that faculty make course textbook information available before registration begins for each semester. To do this, faculty simply need to provide the information to the UConn Co-op, which then takes responsibility for making the information available as the law requires. The registration deadlines are published on the Registrar’s website.  Please note that registration for the fall 2015 semester begins on March 23.  Information about how to submit textbook adoption information to the UConn Co-op is available on its website.

    • Update your course calendar/schedule.

    • Update any content open/close dates. Some faculty like to set certain course items to automatically open or close on certain dates/times.  

    • Set up your HuskyCT Grade Center.

    For more details and information, please read the eCampus article Managing Your Online Course

    For more information, contact: eCampus at