Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/4 Tomorrow: Re-Reading the Revolution Conference

    Please join us October 4-5 for "Re-Reading the Revolution," a conference marking the launch of the website, Léamh: Learn Early Modern Irish, a web-based tutorial and resource for learning how to read and translate Early Modern Irish. The conference will consist of two complementary sections: 

    I. "Research panels": Leading scholars in Celtic languages will speak to recent research on the "revolutionary" years 1630-1660, and the design and development members of the Léamh team will present on their work building the site.

    II. "Re-Reading the Revolution Roundtables": Specialists in the history and literature of Britain and Ireland during the crisis years of 1630-60, and experts in Celtic-language sources of the period, will discuss how widening source bases and strengthening collaborative networks might further our understanding of this revolutionary moment.

    For further information and conference registration, please visit 

    For more information, contact: Brendan Kane at