Training and Professional Development

  • 10/2 Alternative Instructional Approaches

    Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

    CETL Teaching Workshop

    Providing an opportunity for faculty, graduate students, and professional staff to gather with colleagues to listen, discuss, comment, interact and reflect on a variety of topics to enhance teaching and learning.

    The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers the following teaching workshop:

    Flip, Blend, Flend: Alternative Instructional Approaches
    Jennifer Parker & Eileen Stuyniski, CETL-eCampus

    This authentic workshop on flipped, blended and flended instructional approaches begins with required participation in an online module via HuskyCT and then attendance at a face-to-face workshop. Flipped, blended and flended approaches will be defined and brought to life using real UConn courses/cases. Participants should come prepared with a course project to conceptually apply one of the instructional approaches. The challenges of each approach will be discussed and reflected upon, as they relate to each participant’s specific project. The workshop will conclude with an explanation of University resources (and beyond) applicable to flipped, blended and flended course development.

    Monday, October 2, 2017 

    1:30 – 3:30 pm
    Laurel Hall, 302


    Registration is required.

    To register and view more workshops, please visit


    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at