Training and Professional Development

  • Controllable Property Part 5 of 5: Tracking

    5 Quick Facts about Controllable Property:

    1. Controllable Property includes ALL computers, and other items that are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone (laptops, tablets, Notebooks, cameras, projectors, etc.) and other items deemed controllable by the department.
    2. Controllable Property has a cost of under $5,000 (no minimum)
    3. A standard report “Controllable Property” is in the Capital Assets folder in KFDM
    4. Individual departments are responsible for tracking Controllable Property
    5. The KFS Object Code for Controllable Property is 8306

    Part 5 of 5:

    Tracking Controllable Property Using Asset Panda

    Each department is responsible for tracking and maintaining a list of their own Controllable Property.

    A department’s list of Controllable Property is a standard report in KFDM. To access the standard report, log into WebFocus, and go to:  KFDM> Standard Reports > Capital Assets > Controllable Property

    The Asset Panda application can help your department track Controllable Property. Using an Apple or Android device, Controllable Property can be scanned to update the Last Inventory Date and Location (building, room) of the asset.

    Once the asset has been scanned and updated in Asset Panda, the KFS asset record and the Controllable Property Report will be updated within 1-2 business days. The Controllable Property Report should then be re-run to determine if any assets were missed in the scanning process.

    Controllable Property assets should be inventoried at least once a year. Departments who do not use Asset Panda to scan their Controllable Property will need to download a Controllable Property report, make manual updates based on a physical inventory, and send the file to Inventory Control.  However, Asset Panda is the preferred method for tracking Controllable Property.

    Training is offered on an ongoing basis for the Asset Panda application. Asset Panda is also being used to surplus equipment, eliminating the paper ACT-39 form. It is recommended that at least one person in each department be prepared to use the Asset Panda application.

    To sign up for a class, please go to the Professional Development site: UConn ProDev. Go to “Courses” and search for “Panda.”

    For more information about Controllable Property and the Asset Panda application, including the Asset Panda Access Request Form and step-by-step instructions, please go to

    Still have questions? Need help? Contact Inventory Control at or feel free give us a call.


    This is the final topic in the Controllable Property Series. For the first four topics, please go to


    For more information, contact: Annette Pavone at 860-486-2934