Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Faculty with research-based innovations: Team up

    Accelerate UConn (AU) our NSF I-Corp Site, can help PI’s to win support from the National I-Corps Teams Program.  The National program provides grants of up to $50,000.  Teams that have completed the AU program have used their results to win additional funding from the National program, UConn’s SPARK Technology Commercialization Fund, CT Innovations and SBIR/STTR that will further their concepts. AU provides training, seed grants and information to support startup success or to identify potential partners from existing industry.

    Accelerate UConn is designed so that students take the lead role while faculty and experts from industry serve in an advisory capacity, supporting the students when needed in order to move the project forward. Students can now gain class credit for their participation.  If this sounds like something that you think would benefit your research program, please take some time to learn more about the program. Visit to learn more and apply (deadline September 22, 2017).

    For more information, contact: Jennifer Murphy, Program Manager, Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at