Special Events and Receptions

  • 10/7 Last Chance to Table at Family Weekend

    Family Weekend Resource Fair

    Saturday, October 7th from 9:00am - 1:00pm

    All families that register for Family Weekend are strongly encouraged to formally Check-In, thus completing their registration process.  On average, Family Weekend has seen over 750 families, totalling over 2,600 attendees visit the Student Union Ballroom to Check-In.  In a partnership with several offices and departments last year, Family Weekend launched the program's first Resource Fair in conjunction with Check-In.  Students and their families had the opportunity to meet students and staff representing offices and departments around campus to learn more about their services and ask questions.  Based on the positive feedback received last year from the participants and the families, Family Weekend is looking to expand the Resource Fair!  If your office or department is interested in participating in the Family Weekend Resource Fair, please email Eric Bouchard in the Student Activities Major Events & Programs office.  Please provide a brief overview of what your office or department would like to share with the students and their families.  Each participant from campus is limited to one folding table and two chairs.  Additional decorations and power can be requested, but both are limited due to space restrictions.

    For more information, contact: Eric Bouchard at eric.bouchard@uconn.edu