Special Events and Receptions

  • 9/6 Want to Participate at the Involvement Fair?

    It's not too late to register for a space at the FALL INVOLVEMENT FAIR!

    Student Activities Leadership and Organizational Development would like to invite you to the Fall 2017 Involvement Fair! The Involvement Fair will be held on Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 on Fairfield Way from 2pm-7pm.  This event is held to showcase all of the involvement opportunities that UConn has to offer in one place. Everything from club sports, community outreach programs, university programs, general interest clubs and more will be represented!

    If your program or office is interested in requesting a table at the fair please complete our registration application on UConntact. The deadline to apply is 6pm on Thursday, August 31st.

    Please Apply today on UConntact: https://uconntact.uconn.edu/submitter/form/start/127478

    If you have any questions please email the Coordinator of Student Organization Support and Involvement at kristen.carr@uconn.edu.

    For more information, contact: Student Activities Leadership & Org Development at kristen.carr@uconn.edu