Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Search: Dean of University Libraries

    To the University Community:

    I am pleased to announce the national search for a Dean of University Libraries. I have appointed a search committee to advise me about outstanding leaders who can provide executive direction and strategic vision for UConn's libraries, archives, and special collections. We will conduct the search over the next few months with the expectation that a new Dean will begin in the Spring of 2018. 

    The UConn Library system encompasses ten libraries including four libraries on the Storrs Campus: the Homer Babbidge Library; the Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J Dodd Research Center; the Pharmacy Library; and the School of Fine Arts Resource Center; as well as at each of our four regionals campuses, Law School, and UConn Health. There are approximately 120 professional and support staff across all 10 libraries. In addition, the Homer Babbidge Library is currently in the first phase of a five-year, $20 million master plan to promote more research partnerships, collaborations, and effective ways for students to study and work together.

    The Dean of University Libraries reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Dean is responsible for providing a strategic vision and leading the planning and advancement of the UConn Libraries; leading innovation in the Libraries’ Archives and Special collections and technologies; ensuring sound management; and partnering with others across the campus community and nationally to create an innovative information center in support of research and education.

    The advisory search committee will be chaired by Kent Holsinger, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School. The members of the committee are:

    Ama Appiah, Undergraduate Student

    Alexis Boylan, Associate Professor of Art History and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Program

    Michael Howser, Director, UConn Library at the Hartford Public Library

    Gustavo Nanclares, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

    Sylvia Schafer, Associate Professor, Department of History

    Janice Swiatek, Director, UConn Health Library

    Olga Vinogradova, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry

    Jason Vokoun, Associate Professor and Interim Head, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment


    Shelley Feather of the executive search firm Greenwood/Asher & Associates will assist the committee in securing a distinguished pool of candidates. If you would like to discuss the position or nominate a candidate, please contact the Greenwood/Asher consultants at If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the search, please contact Connie Boyd at

    Candidate recruiting will begin very soon. Additional information about the position, including position description and how to apply or nominate candidates, will be posted on the Provost’s website here Provost's website and the Human Resources website soon. We anticipate candidates will visit UConn in early November. They will meet with various groups and conduct public forums to discuss their approach to leadership. We welcome your participation in this process. Schedules of the visits and opportunities for you to participate and provide feedback will be announced later this semester.


    Jeremy Teitelbaum
    Interim Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs







    For more information, contact: Connie Boyd at