Training and Professional Development

  • August Teaching Talks

    You are invited to participate in a series of informal teaching talks throughout 2017.  These are opportunities for participants to comfortably share teaching concerns and discuss techniques and strategies with colleagues, experts, and CETL staff.  All sessions will take place in Rowe 319.  All UConn instructors —graduate students, TAs, and APIRs, as well as adjunct, tenure-track and tenured faculty—are encouraged to attend.

    Contact Suzanne LaFleur if you have questions or would like more information.


    Thursday, August 3               1:00 – 2:15                  Using Creativity (both yours AND your students’) in your Teaching

    We will discuss such topics as:

    • Taking chances

    • Active learning

    • Playing to your strengths

    • Creative presentation techniques

    • Making it safe to fail

    • Using music and art

    • Divergent and convergent thinking

    • Using student creativity to help plan more interesting lessons

    Register here


    Wednesday, August 9           1:30 – 2:45                  Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation

    At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

    • The role of choice in motivation

    • Engaging student passion

    • The importance of the teacher/student relationship

    • Challenge and reward

    • The reluctant learner

    • Service Learning

    Register here


    Monday, August 14               10:00 – 11:15              Developing & Writing Learning Objectives

    At this session, participants will discuss issues like

    • Discerning between lower-, middle-, and higher-order thinking skills
    • Expressing what students will learn from our course
    • Articulating learning outcomes in measurable terms
    • Checking that activities and assessments align with learning outcomes

    If possible, please bring a syllabus to work on at the session.

    Register here


    Monday, August 14               12:00 – 1:15                Aligning Learning Objectives, Assessments, and Activities

    At this session, participants will

    • Review current assignments and assessments to ensure that they align with student learning objectives
    • Brainstorm a variety of activities and assignments that align with objectives
    • Consider infusing more active and collaborative learning in the classroom
    • Discuss designing authentic assessments that require critical thinking

    If possible, please bring a syllabus to work on at the session.

    Register here


    Tuesday, August 15               10:00 – 11:15              Designing Your Syllabus

     At this session, participants will discuss issues like

    • Course-design concerns
    • Syllabus requirements
    • Policy statements (what to include and why)
    • How students use a syllabus
    • Using the syllabus to engage students

    If possible, bring a draft syllabus to work on during this session.

    Register here


    Wednesday, August 16         1:30 – 2:45                  First Impressions and the First Day of Class

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Things to think about and do before you step into the classroom

    • The first day of class

    • Setting the stage for the semester

    • Ice breakers

    • Encouraging student participation & questions

    Register here


    Friday, August 18                   11:00 – 12:15              Mixing It Up: Adding Variety to Your Classroom Instruction

    At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • Breaking up the lecture: when, how (videos, stories, role play, Q & A, iClickers, small group discussion, brief activities…) why

    • Q & A as review

    • Restatement of key points by students as a check for understanding

    • Small group discussion of followed by whole group discussion

    • Brief activities to help achieve learning objectives

    • Assigning each section of a chapter to a small group of students who will then present the material to the whole group

    Register here


    Friday, August 18                   1:00 – 2:15                  Designing Your Syllabus

    At this session, participants will discuss issues like

    • Course-design concerns
    • Syllabus requirements
    • Policy statements (what to include and why)
    • How students use a syllabus
    • Using the syllabus to engage students

    If possible, bring a draft syllabus to work on during this session.

    Register here


    Monday, August 21               9:00 – 10:15                Planning for Effective Communication in Your Course

    In this talk, we will share and discuss how establish more effective communication in your course right from the start. We will discuss topics such as:

    • Learning and using students’ names

    • Things we can do before the course even starts

        • Communicating and engaging with large classes

        • Setting the tone you want for the semester

        • Different communication channels

        • Overcoming potential language barriers with international students

        • Creating clear expectations

        • How your syllabus can help achieve more effective communication

    Register here


    Monday, August 21               11:00 – 12:15              Active Learning Strategies

     We will discuss topics such as:

    • Reasons to use active learning strategies
    • Practical considerations
    • Specific techniques for both large and small classes
    • Flipping the course or lesson
    • Managing the active classroom

    Register here


    Tuesday, August 22               1:00 – 2:15                  Creating a Positive Classroom Environment

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Maintaining a positive attitude

    • Making students feel welcome and showing you care

    • Encouraging student participation and active learning

    • Giving choices and engaging student passion

    • Celebrating both success and failure

    • Using humor to make and/or emphasize a point

    Register here


    Tuesday, August 22               2:30 – 3:45                  Encouraging Class Participation & Interaction

    At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • Enhancing student motivation to participate
    • Integrating active learning both inside & outside of class
    • Encouraging discussion
    • Using discussion boards & related tools
    • Using technology as an engagement tool
      • i-clickers
      • apps

    Register here


    Wednesday, August 23         9:30 – 10:45                Designing Your Syllabus

     At this session, participants will discuss issues like

    • Course-design concerns
    • Syllabus requirements
    • Policy statements (what to include and why)
    • How students use a syllabus
    • Using the syllabus to engage students

    If possible, bring a draft syllabus to work on during this session.

    Register here


    Wednesday, August 23         11:00 – 12:15              Public Speaking and Presentation Tips for Teachers

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Breaking up the lecture- small group discussion, large group discussion, questions (yours and theirs)

    • Effective use of PowerPoint slides & other visuals

    • Speaking the students’, or audience’s language, and making the presentation fit the audience

    • Moving away from the board or the podium

    • Effective use of humor

    Register here


    Friday, August 25                   11:00 – 12:15              Student Engagement: From the Syllabus to the First Day & Beyond

    At this session, we will discuss topics like

    • The syllabus as an engagement tool
    • Essential questions of the course
    • Capturing and keeping attention
    • Encouraging intellectual curiosity
    • Designing engaging assessments

    Register here


    Wednesday, August 30         1:30 – 2:45                  Effective Use of Small Group Instruction      

    We will discuss topics such as:

    • Why small groups increase student engagement, motivation, and learning

    • The types of learning goals/objectives that are best suited to small group work

    • Important considerations for designing and implementing small group learning activities

    • Practical tips

    Register here

    For more information, contact: Suzanne LaFleur at