Training and Professional Development

  • 6/23 Assembling a Teaching Portfolio

    You are invited to participate in a series of informal teaching talks throughout 2017.  These are opportunities for participants to comfortably share teaching concerns and discuss techniques and strategies with colleagues, experts, and CETL staff.  All sessions will take place in Rowe 319.  All UConn instructors —graduate students, TAs, and APIRs, as well as adjunct, tenure-track and tenured faculty—are encouraged to attend.

    Contact Suzanne LaFleur if you have questions or would like more information.

    Friday, June 23       1:00 – 2:15              Assembling a Teaching Portfolio

    This talk is designed for instructors at all levels, including those who are interested in documenting their teaching for PTR purposes.

    At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • Reasons to document your teaching

    • The purpose & uses of a teaching portfolio

    • Tips & general guidelines

    • Portfolio components

    • Teaching Enhancement Plans

      Register here             

    For more information, contact: Suzanne LaFleur at