Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAP Frontline Employee - June Newsletter

    Featured in this month’s edition:

    Verbal Abuse That’s Hard to Put Words To - “Name-calling and being shouted at for a simple request are examples of verbal abuse. However, not all verbal abuse is easy to spot, despite its damaging impact…”

    Don’t Let Worry Wear You Out - “Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace…”

    Danger of Drowsy Driving - “Sleepy drivers with less than four hours of sleep are 11 times more likely to experience a car crash than drivers with 7 hours of sleep the night before…”

    Other topics in this edition:

    • Fatigue and Productivity

    • Managing Emotions

    • Be Perceived as a Potential Leader

    • Alcohol Use and Breast Cancer Risk

    • Sun Safety and Your Skin

    For the full June 2017 edition of “Frontline Employee”, or to learn more about UConn EAP visit our webpage:

    Your EAP provides professional, brief counseling – on campus, plus 27 locations statewide - to help identify and resolve personal, family or work related concerns. Employee Assistance is:

    • Confidential!

    • Free!

    • Household Members too!

    MANAGERS – Just So You Know… EAP is also available by invitation to meet with departments, programs or other groups to discuss and process challenges, critical incidents or other areas of common concern.

    To schedule a private appointment, call:

    (860) 486-1307 Storrs

    (800) 852-4392 Statewide - 24 hours (Toll-free in CT)

    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at