Training and Professional Development

  • Annual Compliance Training 2017

    Per University policy all Faculty and Staff must complete the 2017 Annual Compliance Training.

    To register for an INPERSON session at the Student Union Theatre please use the following link: Compliance Training Registration

    Each inperson training session is approximately 90 minutes. Individuals arriving later than 10 minutes after the start of the session will not be admitted to the training.  To receive credit for the training, attendees must remain for the entire session. 

    To access the ONLINE training please use the following link:

    Topics covered include:

    • The University Code of Conduct and the Importance of Individual Behaviors
    • The University Guide to the State Code of Ethics
    • Equipment Inventory and Other UConn Property
    • Effort Reporting
    • Key Reminders and Updates on Policies

    This year the training will be launched in the Saba platform, providing more ease of use and better tracking of training. Any technical questions should be directed to Human Resources at 860-486-3034. Any compliance questions may be directed to: Liz Vitullo at 860-486-2530 or email     

    The approximate time to complete the online training:  50 minutes. You have the ability to stop and resume at a later time.

    The deadline for this year’s training is May 17, 2017.


    For more information, contact: OACE at 486-2530