Facilities and Transportation

  • Notice of Emergency Power Supply Testing for 2017

    Starting on May 16, 2017, UConn Facilities Operations & Building Services will be conducting circuit by circuit emergency power testing to satisfy state building code requirements.  Maintaining your safety, while delivering consistent and affordable energy to UCONN is our highest priority. That's why we regularly inspect and test our electric system, making corrections before power-quality problems arise. 
    Each test will involve interrupting the normal campus power supply to the group of buildings that are powered from each individual power circuit.  All outage tests will occur between 5 am and 7 am and are required to last at least 90 minutes.  We anticipate the emergency generators and inverters will operate as expected to provide adequate life safety and emergency power for the duration of the test. The dates of the planned outage tests are as follows:
    Circuit    Date 
    5P1    Tuesday, May 16, 2017
    5P3    Tuesday, May 23, 2017
    5P2    Wednesday, May 31, 2017
    5P8    Tuesday, June 6, 2017
    5P7    Tuesday, June 13, 2017
    UConn Facilities Operations & Building Services will be sending separate notices to the Building Emergency Contacts and will be scheduling subcommittee meetings with the Building Service Managers to review the process and answer any questions or concerns. Please know that we will be coordinating multiple buildings and doing our best to find a time that accommodates everyone with the minimum inconvenience possible.  We'll get your power back on as soon as we can!
    Some actions you may wish to consider just prior to your test time should include:
     Notify your staff and potential visitors as needed.
     Unplug any sensitive electronic equipment such as computers and testing instruments.
     Think about work conflicts at your building such as deliveries.
     Have fresh batteries installed in any equipment that may require them such as alarms, flashlights, or portable communications devices including radios or cell phones.
     Remember that electrical systems you rely on may be unavailable during the outage such as elevators, electronic access systems, or refrigeration. 
     Now may be a good time to perform any scheduled maintenance needed to your own electrical equipment such as an UPS.
     Once the power has been restored for about 15 minutes, turn your equipment back on in stages so that you don't overload the circuit.
     Consider time required for startup of specialized equipment.
     Check to make sure all heat-producing appliances such as stoves, toaster ovens, irons, and hair curlers are turned off. This will minimize any fire hazard if the power is restored while you're away. 
     If electricity is required to run your water using systems, have a reserve of water on hand prior to the planned power outage.
    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Eric Kruger at 860-486-5118 or by email at Eric.Kruger@UConn.edu or Stan Nolan at 860-486-3208 or by email at Stanley.Nolan@UConn.edu.
    Thank you,
    Eric Kruger Director of Building Trades Facilities Operations & Building Services

    For more information, contact: Eric Kruger at eric.kruger@uconn.edu