Sales and Fundraisers

  • Nurs 3225 Food and Feminine Hygiene Product Drive

                Social justice is something that is frequently perceived as a global issue, which can make injustice in our own local communities easier to overlook. There are many people within minutes of the university that lack the basic products that college students take for granted every day. Being unable to access these essential resources has a significant negative impact on the everyday lives of these populations. As nursing students, we make every effort to practice in accordance with the American Nursing Association nursing code of ethics. This ethical code states that nurses should demonstrate respect for others, promote community and worldwide health, and advocate for anyone that may not have a voice of their own.

                With this in mind, the UCONN nursing ethics class is having a food and feminine hygiene product drive from now until April 28th. We will be collecting donations of non-perishable and canned food products and boxes of tampons, pads, etc. in the Widmer Wing Lobby of Storrs Hall, the School of Nursing. The collected food will be donated to various local food banks. The feminine hygiene products will be donated to the shelter for victims of domestic violence, No Freeze Zone shelter, and St. Paul’s soup kitchen, all in Willimantic. Having the campus participate and your assistance in getting the word out would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you,

    Our class

    Nurs 3225


    For more information, contact: Ariana Moustakakis at