Facilities and Transportation

  • Spring is Surplus Cleanup Time

    Storrs faculty and staff members, do you have University property that your department no longer uses or needs? Computers, equipment, furniture, filing cabinets, office supplies, etc.? Is surplus taking up precious space and you have no time to complete the paperwork? WE CAN HELP!

    SPECIAL OFFER! You may request our Surplus Spring Cleanup service for a limited time only. We will come to your location, complete the ACT 39 paperwork, and pick up your surplus—all in one visit!

    The deadline to respond to this special offer is May 31, 2017. Please send an email to joe.hollister@uconn.edu with the following information:

    • Name and phone number of Requestor
    • Name and phone number of Contact for day of service (if different from Requestor)
    • Location of surplus—department, building, and room number
    • Preferred days/times for your Surplus Spring Cleanup appointment
    • Brief description of surplus, including quantity—so we can plan for staff and truck needs

    After receiving your request, we will contact you to schedule your appointment.

    Join us in this campus beautification effort by getting surplus items removed from your hallways and storage areas. HAPPY SPRING! HAPPY SURPLUS CLEANUP!

    Please remember that University property can never be discarded without approval by Surplus Management.

    For more information, contact: Surplus at 860-486-3094.