Training and Professional Development

  • 4/10 Service Learning and Entrepreneurship Discussion

    Join Dr. David Noble, Co-Executive Director of UConn’s Entrepreneurship & Innovation Consortium, in a discussion on exploring opportunity through service learning, on April 10, 1:30 - 2:45 in ROWE 319.

    Responding to our state legislature’s priorities for innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development, UConn is seeing increasing pressures to help prepare students for an economy that is vibrant and dynamic in these regards. We have found it increasingly difficult to teach such concepts through traditional class methods, as the importance of the lesson is lost in a confusing array of jargon. 

    At this session, participants will discuss service learning projects that help develop the entrepreneurial mindset of students while increasing their ability to find and capture opportunities across their lives. Service learning can play an important role by redefining what an opportunity is, allowing students an interactive community to develop their ideas, and increasing student engagement through relationships with the material on their own terms. Summary of past learning service programs and methodologies will be combined with discussion on how to create effective boundary conditions for service learning projects that maximize student learning. Every classroom can benefit from the incorporation of innovation and entrepreneurial mindset into the curriculum with the proper project.

    Click here to register.

    For more information, contact: The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at