Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/7 Social Entrepreneurship in Action

    Social Entrepreneurship in Action: Building a Social Enterprise from Scratch. 

    Friday, April 7th 11:00-11:50am Oak Hall 112, University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus.

    UConn’s Global Training and Development Institute welcomes members of the University community and the public to attend this panel discussion with Spencer Curry of Fresh Farm Aquaponics, and Onyeka Obiacha formerly of Happy Life Coffee and now a Yale University Social Entrepreneurship Fellow.

    Invited guests who will be attending include social entrepreneurs from Southeast Asia who are hosted by UConn’s Global Training and Development Institute as part of the YSEALI program. YSEALI is a diplomatic effort by the U.S. State Department and is part of the Obama Administration's signature international academic program:

    More Info on the YSEALI Academic Fellows: The 22 YSEALI Fellows are here at UConn for a month studying social entrepreneurship—with economic development as a sub-theme for this program—hail from 9 Southeast Asian nations (student numbers in parentheses): Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

    Rationale: It is well known that most business ventures fail within a few years of their founding. What about social businesses? This panel discussion will focus on the trials and tribulations associated with changing the world through social entrepreneurship and will address how difficult, yet rewarding, it can be to be fully engaged in social entrepreneurship. The panelists will describe their social enterprises, then be asked questions by a moderator, then the discussion will be opened up to audience questions.

    We hope to see you there!

    UConn's Global Training and Development Institute

    For more information, contact: Jack Barry at