Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/6 UConn Collaborative to Advance Equity Symposium

    The UConn Collaborative to Advance Equity Through Research on Women and Girls of Color presents a symposium, featuring the research of its 2016-2017 Research Fellows, on Thursday, April 6, 2017, from 10AM-5PM in the Student Union Theater. 

    The day-long symposium includes research presentations by UCONN faculty, graduate/undergraduate students, and practitioners and a discussion by community activists on themes related to the environment, public health, and STEM and pipeline issues. 

    The Symposium is free and open to the public, and we welcome faculty to bring their classes and encourage their students to attend the several sessions.


    UCONN Collaborative to Advance Equity Through Research on

    Women and Girls of Color




    “Building Knowledge about Women and Girls of Color:

    Issues in the Environment, Public Health, and STEM”


    Thursday, April 6, 2017

    Student Union Theater

    10:00AM – 5:00PM


    Researching Women and Girls of Color in the U.S.: The Significance of the

    UCONN Collaborative


    Greetings and Overview:              10:00AM-10:15AM


    Melina Pappademos, Interim Director, Africana Studies



    Public Health Issues for Women and Girls of Color: Data Collection and Implications for Public Policy


    Session 1:            10:15AM-11:45AM


    Moderator:        Melina Pappademos

                            Evelyn M. Simien, Associate Professor, Political Science & Africana Studies



    “Sex-Trafficking and the 4P’s: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution,

    and Partnership in Connecticut”

    Crystal M. Hayes, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Work


    “Are All Mothers Created Equal: Race, Birth Behind Bars, & the Anti-

    Shackling Movement in Massachusetts”

    Khris-Ann K. Small, Ph.D. Student, Human Development and Family

    Studies, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences


    “An Evaluation of the Positive Parenting Program: Incorporating

    Black Parenting Practices”

    Tarif “Tai” Brown, Undergraduate Student

    “Invisible Peoples: Examining the Plight of Burmese Refugee Women

    in Connecticut”


    Break: 11:45AM-12:15PM



    The Role of the Environment in the Conditions of Women and Girls of Color


    Session 2: 12:30PM-1:45PM


    Moderator:        Alexandra Moffett-Bateau, Post-Doctoral Fellow, UCONN Collaborative


    Danielle Kloster, Ph.D. Student, Natural Resources, College of Liberal Arts &



    “Women of Color and the Environment: The Role of Intersectionality

    in Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors”

    Sian Charles Harris, Ph.D. Student, Curriculum and Instruction, Neag     

    School of Education


    Mar’Kee Thomas, Clinical Social Worker, Association of Social Work Boards

    “Capacity Building: Risk and Resilience in Black American Teen



    Laura Burton, Associate Professor, Sport Management, Educational

    Leadership, Neag School of Education


    Jennie Weiner, Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, Neag School of



    “Shedding Light, Activating Voice, and Building Community:

    Investigating the Experiences of Women of Color in Educational Leadership”


    Monique Golden, Ph.D. Student, Leadership and Education Policy, Neag

    School of Education

    "Choices: What Motivates Parents and Their 8th Grade Daughters to

    Participate in the School Choice Process?"


    Redress of Gender Pipeline Issues in STEM Education: Considering Access, Resiliency, and Intervention


    Session 3:            2:00PM-3:15PM


    Moderator:        Shannon Gleason, Post-Doctoral Fellow, UCONN Collaborative


    Blanca Rincon, Assistant Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs,

    Neag School of Education


    Milagros Castillo-Montoya, Assistant Professor, Higher Education and

    Student Affairs, Neag School of Education

    “Examining Race Dialogues as a Tool for Mitigating Racial Climate for

    Women of Color in STEM”


    John Settlage, Professor, Science Teacher Education, Neag School of


    “Signposts Along the Pathway: Increasing Access to Quality STEM

    Education for Women of Color”


    Monique S. Negron, Ph.D. Student, Neag School of Education


    Renée M. Gilberti, McNair Scholars Program Coordinator, UCONN 

                    “One Bad Grade Does Not Define Me: Counter-

    Stories of Resilience from Women of Color in STEM” 


    Staving STEM Pipeline Issues Among Women and Girls of Color:  A Conversation Among Activists, Educators, and Mentors


    Session 4:            3:30PM-4:45PM


    Moderator:        Fiona Vernal, Associate Director, Africana Studies Institute


    Andrea Greene, STEM Coach, Hartford Public Schools

    Sabrina Tucker, CEO and President, Girls for Technology

    Stephany Santos, Ph.D. Candidate, Biomedical Engineering, UCONN

    Mikayla Alexander, Undergraduate and President Emeritus, UCONN

    Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers 



    UCONN’s Collaborative: A Year in Review and Looking Forward


    Closing Remarks:              4:45PM - 5:00PM


    For more information, contact: Africana Studies Institute at AFAM@UCONN.EDU