Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/4 Lecture: Reducing Racism in College Classrooms

    4/4 Lecture:  Reducing Racism in the College Classrooms

    The Office for Diversity and Inclusion presents: The Inaugural Inclusive Excellence Lecture Series featuring Dr. Shaun Harper.

    Dr. Shaun Harper will speak on Reducing Racism in College Classrooms. He is recognized in Education Week as one of the 10 most influential professors in the field of education. He is an expert on race, campus climates, and student success in higher education.

    Dr. Harper is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he founded and serves as Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Race & Equity in Education.

    Dr. Harper has provided us with a pre-read for his lecture:

    Date: April 4, 2017

    Time: 11am

    Location: Student Union Ballroom 

    For more information, contact: Jennifer Burckardt at

    For more information, contact: Jennifer Burckardt at