Training and Professional Development

  • In-Person Annual Compliance Training

    Complete your Annual Compliance Training during Spring Break!  The next In Person session is Monday, March 13 at 2:00 - 3:30 at the Student Union Theatre.


    This year’s topics include:

    • The University Code of Conduct and the Importance of Individual Behaviors
    • The University Guide to the State Code of Ethics
    • Equipment Inventory and Other UConn Property
    • Effort Reporting and
    • Key Reminders and Updates on Policies


    Employees should register for in-person sessions as early as possible as seating is limited and is provided on a first come, first served basis.

    Registration for the sessions may be accessed using this link:

    Employees will not be admitted (and will not receive credit) if they are later than 10 minutes. 

    Please bring your University ID so that we may record your attendance. 


    For more information, contact: Liz Vitullo at 860-486-2530