Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/9 InCHIP Lecture 3/9: Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Ph.D

    “Implementing Scalable Interventions for Women and Adolescents in South Africa and the US.”

    Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, PhD, UCLA

    12:30 - 1:30pm





    Video Conference Room 204, 2nd floor
    J. Ray Ryan Building, 2006 Hillside Road
    University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus
    For directions and maps, see

    Accessibility: elevator available in building lobby on ground floor.

    Web Stream

    You can view this talk streamed live during the lecture – or archived after the lecture – here.

    About the Speaker

    Dr. Rotheram-Borus designs and implements interventions that have lasting effects on research science and public health, in part because she has long been committed to finding and including in her program designs what Harvard’s Clayton Christensen has called disruptive innovations: new ways of approaching health care and science that shake up the industry by making something easier, less expensive, and better. Beginning with her early successes changing the way shelters think about teen suicide prevention and turning social skills into a game for elementary school students, Dr. Rotheram-Borus has continuously implemented her vision of making science useful, realistic, and accessible to those who need it. She has worked in the area of HIV for the past 25 years. Dr. Rotheram-Borus has received more than 70+ grants from funders such as the National Institute of Health as well as private foundations and has published over 350 journal articles.  An app for trauma surgeons to improve care delivery and promotion of parent child interaction for 12-18-month old child development.


    To attend this lecture, please RSVP by clicking this link: Lecture RSVP.  When you RSVP, you can also request to meet with the speaker in an individual meeting on Thursday March 9, 2017, click on the RSVP to view available time slots. 


    The Connecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences

    UConn Allied Health Sciences

    UConn Center for Environmental Health and Health Promotion

    UConn Center for Public Health and Health Policy

    UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    UConn Connecticut Institute for Clinical and Translational Science

    UConn Department of Communication

    UConn Department of Human Development and Family Studies

    UConn Global Affairs

    UConn Neag School of Education

    UConn Occupational and Environmental Medicine

    UConn Office of Public Engagement

    UConn School of Business

    UConn School of Medicine


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    For more information, contact: Melanie Skolnick at 860-486-2438