University Policy Information

  • 3/8 MANDATORY AlcoholEdu Part 2 due March 8th

    AlcoholEdu is MANDATORY for all incoming students and is due March 8th, 2017.

    AlcoholEdu is a university-wide online alcohol education program that is required for incoming students.   


    • Students have received an email inviting them to take Part 2 of the course.  Unlike Part 1, Part 2 only takes about 10 minutes to complete


    • The final deadline for taking Part 2 is March 8th, 2017 by NOON


    • Please remind your students to complete Part 2 of AlcoholEdu.   We anticipate that it will have a significant impact on the completion rate of the incoming class. 


    • Students can find information and instructions for completing AlcoholEdu by visiting


    • Students who do not complete Part 2 of AlcoholEdu by the deadline will have a hold placed on their account which will prevent them for registering for Fall 2017 classes until AlcoholEdu is completed.

    We appreciate your help in promoting the health, safety and wellness of your students by reminding them to complete this important and educational requirement. 

    For more information, contact: Wellness and Prevention Services at