Research, Funding, and Awards

  • CICATS M1 Mentorship Award

    CICATS is now accepting applications for its M1 Mentorship Award. Created in 2015, the M1 Mentorship Award aims to develop a cadre of accomplished mentors who will participate in creating an academic environment to elevate mentorship to a discipline with consistently high standards and practices. The M1 Award provides support to successful research-funded faculty to serve as mentors in developing the next generation of research scientists. The M1 Award is specifically targeted towards developing a sustainable academic pipeline to increase underrepresented minority students among the pool of academic scientists. Besides providing individual mentorship, recipients of the award will be involved in the development of mentorship programs at the University of Connecticut encompassing each level of educational training (middle school, high school, undergraduate, graduate, and junior faculty).


    The M1 Award is a three year program. Funding will cover up to 25%, to a maximum of $40,000, of a faculty’s full-time salary appointment. Awards will provide protected time for mentoring activities, including mentorship of individual students as well as participation in the development and execution of various mentorship initiatives.  In addition, up to $10,000 will be allocated to the development of new and innovative initiatives focused on student-related activities that promote their academic growth and increase the number of students in the pipeline. M1 Award recipients are required to attend at least one mentorship conference per year and to participate in further training in the art and science of mentoring minority students.  Renewal of the M1 Award is subject to an annual program performance review and availability of funding.  The M1 Award will not be renewed at the end of the three-year period.


    • Full-time faculty from UConn Health or University of Connecticut Storrs Campus
    • Documented history of successful research funding (National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other sources)
    • Evidence of extensive mentoring experience


    For more information on the M1 Mentorship Award including how to access the online application, please visit the CICATS website: The application deadline is Friday, March 10, 2017.


    For more information, contact: Lana Angelo at 860-679-7661