Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 3/7 Finding Grant Funding

    Finding Grant Funding through Pivot & Foundation Directory Online

    This hands-on workshop will introduce you to two funding databases available to the UConn community: Pivot and Foundation Directory Online.

    Pivot is the most comprehensive search engine for grant funding available - with 26,000 funding opportunities worth an estimated $44 billion U.S. dollars. Learn how to use Pivot to search for funding opportunities, and establish funding alerts to automatically let you know when new grants become available in your field. Pivot:

    • contains research, travel, postdoctoral, and other funding opportunities available through federal, state, corporate, and non-profit sponsors
    • includes funding opportunities for faculty as well as graduate & undergraduate students
    • features over three million Scholar Profiles to identify expertise and potential grant collaborators across all UConn campuses

    Foundation Directory Online is a comprehensive database on more than 140, 000 U.S.-based private and corporate foundations, and funding national and international projects. FDO allows you to:

    • identify foundations that provide funding in your field of interest
    • provides information on projects that have been funded in the past, and previous award recipients
    • sign-up for weekly newsletters for updates on new and existing foundations, Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and notable deadlines.

    A workshop will be held Tuesday, March 7 from 3-4 in Homer Babbidge Library, and at other dates throughout the semester. To register, go to


    For more information, contact: Valori Ann Banfi at