Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Willis N. Hawley Service and Leadership Award

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    Willis N. Hawley Service and Leadership Award

    Award Sponsor: Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs

    Award Background/History: This award was established in 2010.

    Willis N. Hawley, (1875-1898), attended Storrs Agricultural College, beginning in the fall of 1895. He was a right end on the football team, said to be “a hard tackler and dependable at all times,” and also was a member of the Shakespearean Club. His aptitude for military training resulted in his becoming a first lieutenant of the cadet company and soon after graduating in 1898, he joined the U.S. Army, Company H, Third Connecticut Volunteer Infantry.

    Award Description: This award recognizes a student veteran(s) who has made significant contributions to the University community through leadership and service during their tenure as a student.  Recipient(s) will have demonstrated a commitment to raising awareness and actively advocating for veteran’s issues at the University.

    Eligible Nominees: Full-time undergraduate or graduate student veterans

    Eligible Campuses: All Campuses

    Additional Eligibility Criteria: 1.) Recipient(s) will have student veteran or reserve status as verified through the Office of Student Financial Aid Services. 2) Nominees must not have been on any form of academic probation during the past two semesters. 3) Nominees must not have been on any form of conduct-related probation during the past two semesters.

    Monetary Award: $1000

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    For more information, contact: Shari Latif at