Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 2/16 CFR Conference Call Germany and the Future of Euro

    The Council on Foreign Relations will present the next event in its annual Academic Conference Call Series on Thursday, February 16 from 3-4 p.m. The title of this conference call is "Germany and the Future of Europe," and the discussion will be led by Mary Elise Sarotte, Faculty Associate, Center for European Studies, Harvard University; Dean’s Professor of History and Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California. These calls provide an opportunity for students and faculty to interact with CFR fellows and other leading experts in their respective fields. 

    Please RSVP to and recommended reading materials will be forwarded to you. The conference call will be held in Rowe 420 (4th floor of the old CUE building).

    For more information, contact: Krista Rogers at