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  • Looking for Organization for Gamification Project

    As the professor of OPIM 4895, Gamification in Business I am looking for an on-campus department, organization, or business to work with for our class project. 

    Gamification is the process of taking game elements, techniques, and mechanics and applying them in a non-game environment. You see the implementation everyday in your life, but perhaps not under that umbrella. Most companies now have at least one enterprise system utilizing gamified components. Most visible you see marketing campaigns utilize this to engage and retain customers, but many companies also use this for internal training to increase the retention of material. In the past versions of this class I have had my student teams create a fake company and created a gamified solution for a problem they have. I would like to tie the experience much closer to the real world so I am looking for an organization that has a real need. (Or at the very least would like to explore this option). I would have all teams compete for the best solution. 

    What I would need from a partner organization is to have a representative present at one class giving the business environment and problem at hand. Then at the end of the class the students would prepare infographics and presentations for your organization proposing their solution. On the representatives part it would be your responsibility to choose the top solution for the needs of your organization. I think making this a competition will also get the most out of the students if there are higher stakes. Dates / times are flexible.

    The solution would only be a proposal and roadmap (the students won't actually be created an application), but they could propose the design and components that should be present. 

    Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested. 

    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at