Student Activities

  • 1/25 Uncelebrated Narratives of Black History

    On Wednesday January 25, 2017 at 7:00pm in the Student Union Theater, the Department of Student Activities will be hosting Joel Christian Gill who will be on campus to speak and educate about stories about African Americans throughout history. Joel is an author/illustrator of two books (with a third soon to follow) – the first: “Strange Fruit: Uncelebrated Narratives from Black History”, and the second “Tales of the Talented Truth”. In each of these books, stories of uncelebrated African American heroes/events are told through illustration and words all written and illustrated by Joel.

    Joel is an incredibly dynamic speaker and educator who has been featured across many National Public media outlets, including a Ted talk on his marketing campaign of why #28DaysAreNotEnough in celebrating Black History. For more information on Joel, please visit his website.

    I hope you pass along this opportunity to your students and staff who may be interested – thank you!


    For more information, contact: Kyle Neary at