Training and Professional Development

  • 1/12 W Teaching Orientation - Register Now

    An orientation to techniques for integrating writing instruction with course content will take place on Thursday, January 12, 2017, 9am-2pm, in PBB 129. The focus will be on meeting the letter and spirit of UConn's W (writing-intensive) course expectations, although what we cover can enrich any course. Breakfast and lunch provided. To preview the agenda and register:

    Faculty, adjunct faculty, staff, and graduate students from all campuses are invited to register and attend. Please note that by General Education/University Senate Guidelines, graduate students teaching or assisting with W courses or labs for the first time are **required** to attend this orientation (but they need to do it only once, not each time they teach a W).

    Sure, a 5-hour orientation can make for a long day, but faculty and TAs from across the sciences, social sciences, humanities and professional schools have found that what we cover proves directly relevant to their teaching, gives them fresh ideas, and helps them handle grading more fairly and efficiently.

    For more information, contact: Tom Deans at