Special Events and Receptions

  • 12/16 Demo Day: 3D Printing: Learn by Building

    Time: Friday December 16, 2016; 10:30am-12:30pm

    Location: Student Union - 304

    After a semester of building 3D printers and learning the ins & outs of the technology, 36 Mechanical and Materials Science Engineering students will compete in a final showdown of 3D printing mayhem. You are cordially invited to to see the 3D printers in action and support our students! For additional information, please see http://wp.handson3d.engr.uconn.edu.

    Background: “3D Printing: Learn by Building” 2016 is a flended (flipped+blended) course that introduces the exciting engineering in 3D printing to junior/senior undergraduate students. It offers a hybrid learning experience that focuses on the mechatronics (a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering and control systems), design, and systematic integration of 3D printing machines. Students will build 3D printers from a series of inexpensive open-source parts, together with receiving in-class and online lectures on the fundamental theory and applications of additive manufacturing. With the flipped and blended learning, the course fosters cognitive skills including collaboration, communication, learning from failure, critical thinking, creativity, and persistence.

    Acknowledgment: The course is supported in part by the UConn 3D Printing Club, Manufacturing Automation and Control Systems Laboratory, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the School of Engineering.

    For more information, contact: Xu Chen/Mechanical Engineering and Adam Wentworth/Material Sciences and Engineering at xchen@uconn.edu/adam.wentworth@uconn.edu