Research, Funding, and Awards

  • BUILDing SCHOLARS Faculty Mentor Deadline Today

    Since 2014, the Connecticut Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (CICATS) at the University of Connecticut has been a research partner of the University at Texas at El Paso (UTEP) NIH Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative (U54) award.  The BUILD award aims to engage undergraduate students in innovative mentored research training programs.  BUILD awards also support institutional and faculty development to further strengthen undergraduate research training environments. 

    CICATS and UTEP invites faculty to apply to be a mentor for the BUILDing SCHOLARS 2017 Summer Research Program.  Students will come from a variety of majors and colleges at the University of Texas at El Paso, but will all share an interest in biomedical/health research.

    If interested or want to learn more about how you can become a mentor, what benefits you will gain, and what is required, please visit the CICATS website at and complete the mentor interest form. Mentor interest forms will not be accepted after close of business today. 

    For more information about BUILDing SCHOLARS, visit  

    For more information, contact: Trisha Pitter at