Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • CAHNR Interim Dean

    We are pleased to announce an interim dean in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Dean Greg Weidemann announced his intention to step down as Dean earlier this fall and we thank him for his many years of dedicated leadership and service. 

    After receiving considerable feedback and input from the faculty and staff of the College, we have asked Dr. Cameron Faustman, a Professor in the Department of Animal Science, the Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Research, and the Director of the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture, to serve as Interim Dean. Cameron also has experience as a Department Head and as Chair of the Senate Executive Committee.  He has many talents and experiences that have prepared him well for the role of Interim Dean. As a faculty member, his research has focused on chemistry and biochemistry of myoglobin, lipids and protein interactions in foods, applications of mass spectrometry for characterizing food proteins, and antioxidant mediation to improve food quality. Cameron has been honored with local and national awards in both teaching and research, including his selection as a UConn Teaching Fellow. He has also assumed many leadership and service roles at UConn and is widely respected as a colleague across campus.

    We are grateful that Cameron, a University Scholar alum of UConn, has agreed to assume this additional leadership role, for many reasons, including his knowledge and commitment to both the University and the College. Please join us in thanking Greg for his service and in congratulating Cameron on this new appointment.


    Mun Y. Choi, Provost

    Sally M. Reis, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

    Amy K. Donahue, Vice Provost for Academic Operations

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at