Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAP Frontline Employee December Newsletter

    Featured in this month’s edition:

    Know Your Positive Personal Attributes - “Employers not only want employees with the right skills and abilities, but also they want positive personal attributes…”

    Is Pessimism Bad for Your Heart? - “A pessimistic attitude increases the risk for death from heart disease, a new study reports...?”

    Marijuana: Just Don’t Use It - “In Colorado the number of fatal car crashes with drivers testing positive for marijuana has doubled in the past six years…”

    Other topics in this edition:

    • Soft Skills to Know: Managing Conflict

    • Incivility Begets Incivility

    • Hot Tip for Resisting Holiday Overeating

    • How to Purchase Safe Toys

    • “I can’t sleep!”

    For the full December 2016 edition of “Frontline Employee”, or to learn more about UConn EAP visit our webpage:

    Your EAP provides professional, brief counseling – on campus, plus 27 locations statewide - to help identify and resolve personal, family or work related concerns. Employee Assistance is:

    • Confidential! Copy & paste the link for a clear, 3-minute video explanation:

    • Free!

    • Household Members too!

    MANAGERS – Just So You Know… EAP is also available by invitation to meet with departments, programs or other groups to discuss and process areas of common concern.

    To schedule a private appointment, call:

    (860) 486-1307 Storrs

    (800) 852-4392 Statewide - 24 hours (Toll-free in CT)

    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at