Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Final Exams for Students with Disabilities

    The following information is provided for faculty and staff who are working with students with disabilities approved for exam accommodations by the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). 

    • Faculty and staff are encouraged to speak with students enrolled in their courses regarding accommodations for final exams as soon as possible.  Students with disabilities are not required to take exams at the CSD. 
    • Whenever possible, students should take their exams with the class or within the department with the approved accommodations. 
    • In the event that the faculty or staff member cannot administer the exam in class or within the department with the approved accommodations, the CSD may be available to administer and proctor exams.  Please note that due to the high volume of exams, faculty and staff are encouraged to work with their students as early as possible in order to reserve an exam space at the CSD during final exam week. 
    • In order to assure appropriate accommodations are provided, students must make requests for a final exam to be administrated through the online system at least one week (5 business) days in advance of the exam date. The online system can be access from the CSD’s website or directly at
    • The CSD anticipates that we will reach capacity and may not be able to assist with all requests.

    If the exam is on…

    Students must submit online exam request by…

    Monday, 12/12/16

    Monday, 12/5/16

    Tuesday, 12/13/16

    Tuesday, 12/6/16

    Wednesday, 12/14/16

    Wednesday, 12/7/16

    Thursday, 12/15/16**

    Thursday, 12/8/16

    Friday, 12/16/16

    Friday, 12/9/16

    Saturday, 12/17/16

    Monday, 12/10/16

    Sunday, 12/18/16

    Tuesday, 12/11/16

    **Although Thursday is a Reading Day, the CSD will be open to administer exams that have been rescheduled due to conflicts.


    • Students approved for extended time who have exams that are in back-to-back time blocks on the same day, are encouraged to discuss this situation with their Disability Service Provider and their faculty to make appropriate scheduling arrangements.
    • In addition to administering exams at the CSD, exams will also be administered in the Wilbur Cross Building, North Reading Room.  Check in for exams will be held in Room 110 of Wilbur Cross.  The CSD will be open during the evenings of final exam week in order to accommodate 6:00 pm exams. The CSD will also be open on Saturday, Dec. 18 and Sunday, Dec. 19 for exams scheduled on those days.

    Finals Date

    CSD Hours

    Monday, 12/12/16

    8:00am – 10:00pm

    Tuesday, 12/13/16

    8:00am – 10:00pm

    Wednesday, 12/14/16

    8:00am -10:00pm

    Thursday, 12/15/16

    8:00am – 5:00pm (Reading Day)

    Friday, 12/16/16

    8:00am – 10:00pm

    Saturday, 12/17/16

    8:00am – 10:00pm

    Sunday, 12/18/16

    10:30am – 2:30pm

    • To ensure the academic integrity of exams, the CSD will be using in-person proctors as well as live feeds from video surveillance cameras and student proctors to proctor exams.  No video will be recorded or stored. 
    • Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact Bryanna Anderson, Assistant Director, at or 860-486-2020 to discuss any questions or concerns.
    For more information, contact: Bryanna Anderson at