Training and Professional Development

  • 12/5 Two Teaching Talks Today

    It's not too late to register for today's teaching talks, both part of a series of informal discussions aimed at sharing teaching concerns and discussing techniques and strategies with colleagues, experts, and CETL staff:

    Group and team-based learning, 12:30 – 1:45 p.m. in ROWE 319.  At this session, participants will discuss topics like

    • Choosing the best projects
    • Designing (scaffolding) group/team assignments and timelines
    • Making expectations and instructions clear
    • Preparing students for group work
    • Monitoring, assessing and providing feedback on progress

    Specifications Grading: Maximizing Student Learning and Motivation While Saving Faculty Time, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. in ROWE 319. Resources from a course designed using specifications-based grading will be shared with participants.  This session's topics include

    • What specifications-based grading is
    • How specifications-based grading holds students to a higher standard and ties assessments and grades to student learning outcomes
    • How specifications-based grading can save faculty time by removing the focus on justifying partial credit
    • How to convert a current course to one that utilizes specifications-based grading

    All UConn instructors—graduate students, TAs, and APIRs, as well as adjunct, tenure-track and tenured faculty—are encouraged to attend.  

    Please email Stacey Valliere at (860-486-2686) to register.

    For more information, contact: The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at