Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 11/19 Museum Talk: The Botany of Thanksgiving

    The Connecticut State Museum of Natural History at UConn presents “The Botany of Thanksgiving,” a lecture by Dr. Pamela Diggle, from UConn’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The lecture will be held on Saturday, November 19, 1 pm at the Biology/Physics Building, Room 130, UConn.

    In the eyes of a botanist, the year’s biggest meal is a celebration of the plants in our lives: the potatoes, carrots, cloves, lettuce, celery and sage, and of all the holiday foods that people savor, from stuffing to cranberry sauce to pumpkin pie. Turkey may be the star of the day, but the plants on the menu give it that extra oomph. Thanksgiving’s plants are just doing what we all do: making a living, setting something aside for a rainy day, and looking for love. It’s the strategies that particular plants employ in those pursuits that make them delectable. Explore the biology of the plants we eat, what makes them so delicious, and role of that deliciousness in the lives of those familiar plants.

    This program is free and advanced registration is not required. To contact the Museum, visit or call 860-486-4460.

    For more information, contact: Museum of Natural History at 860.486.4460