Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Adult Speech Perception: Human Subjects Requested


    We are looking for monolingual native English speakers (age 18- 45) with a history of language and/or reading remediation to participate in a new research study at UConn Storrs. To be considered a native English speaker for this study, you must have lived with an adult since childhood who is monolingual native English speaker.

    This study is designated to investigate the neural and behavioral bases of language processing in adults. We hope that the results will help us to better understand disorders of spoken language to benefit those with these difficulties in the future.

    As part of our study, we will conduct a brief assessment of language and related skills with you. We will also measure your brain structure and/or function using MRI. MRI allows us to take detailed pictures of your brain, and does not involve radiation. The study will last between 60 to 90 minutes per session. Participants are asked to first come in for an initial interview session, followed by two f MRI sessions on two consecutive days.

    Requirements: If interested in participating, you must:

    1. Have a history of language and/or reading remediation
    2. Be between 18 and 45 years of age
    3. Be right handed
    4. Be a monolingual, native speaker of North American English
    5. Have no hearing deficit
    6. Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision
    7. Have no history of neurological impairment
    8. Be safe for MRI scanning, including, but not limited to:

    no ferromagnetic material in your body and no pregnancy.

    Participants will receive $10 per hour for participation in tasks done outside the scanner, and $30 per hour for time in the scanner. If interested, please contact


    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Emily Myers, Speech Language and Hearing Sciences/Psychology (Protocol #H14-001).

    For more information, contact: Yara Aljahlan at