Additional UConn Information

  • Green Office Certification Program

    Learn how your workplace environmental footprint ranks among other participating UConn offices in the 3rd annual Green Office Certification Program. Register here to receive your office survey, presented by the Office of Environmental Policy (OEP). The survey is used to assess your office’s current performance in sustainable practices.

    By submitting this important survey, you will have earned the title of Green Office Team Organizer. As a team leader in sustainability at UConn, you will now be empowered to influence and motivate your coworkers on the importance of sustainability practices in the workplace. You will be notified of your green office score and invited to join us for a Green Office Breakfast Forum, in appreciation of your time, effort and dedication to improving UConn’s environmental impact, one office at a time. 

    Programs such as this assist the University of Connecticut in remaining ranked among the top 10 universities in the Sierra Club’s “Cool Schools” national ranking for 5 consecutive years.

    Please confirm your participation in the UConn's Green Office Certification Program no later than Friday, Nov. 18th. We look forward to hearing from you!

    For more information, contact: Adrianna Antigiovanni at