Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/2 Statistics Colloquium, Prof. Ben Shaby



    Ben Shaby

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Statistics

    Penn State University


    Spatial Extreme Value Analysis for Fire Risk Assessment



    Wildfires have the potential to inflict huge losses of life, infrastructure, and habitat.  I will describe two projects related to extreme fire risk in a particularly vulnerable region in California.  In describing extreme fire conditions, the salient characteristic is that one or more relevant environmental variable is in the far tail of its distribution.  One would like to understand the tail in order to make informed policy decisions regarding, for example, fire risk mitigation.  One difficulty is that, by definition, few observations of rare events are available.  Furthermore, extremes of environmental processes almost always manifest dependence in time, space, or both.  Stochastic process models for analyzing such structures exist, but they are difficult to work with directly because they have intractable likelihoods.  I will discuss alternative representations that build dependence in extremes using latent variables.



    DATE:  Wednesday, November 2, 2016

    TIME:    4:00 pm

    PLACE: Philip E. Austin Bldg., Rm. 105


    Coffee will be served at 3:30 pm in the Noether Lounge (AUST 326)

    For more information, contact: Tracy Burke at