Research, Funding, and Awards

  • CT Tech Council Most Disruptive Technology Contest


    UConn faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to apply to the Connecticut Technology Council's Most Disruptive Technology Contest. As part of the 2016 Innovation Summit, the Connecticut Technology Council is holding a contest to determine the Most Disruptive Technology under development in Connecticut.  We are soliciting submissions on the form found below that answer the following questions:

    • Name, address and contact info of person or people submitting the technology.
    • What product or service have you devised that you consider disruptive?
    • What industry will it disrupt?
    • How will it disrupt that industry?
    • Describe the current industry landscape and how your technology will affect it in the future.
    • Provide any information on awards, patents or notable collaborations that have already been received by this technology or service.

    Applications must be submitted by November 3rd to be evaluated.

    Once your idea is submitted answering these questions, it will be evaluated by a panel of judges that have extensive background in a broad number of industries.  Based on the panel’s recommendations, the CTC will announce the 3 finalists on November 10th.  Each of the finalists will be given an opportunity to make a 5 minute “pitch” on his or her product or service at the closing session of the 2016 Innovation Summit on November 17, which is expected to attract over 500 attendees.  The audience will then vote live – with results shown in real time – to determine the Most Disruptive Technology winner.

    Click here for more information and to apply.

    For more information, contact: CT Tech Council at