Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 10/22 Heilig Memorial Concert: George Li, Piano

    Guest Artist: George Li

    Heilig Memorial Concert: George Li, piano

    8PM von der Mehden Recital Hall.

    Pianist George Li has been consistently lauded as an artist possessing grace beyond his years. He has won numerous awards and accolades, including a silver medal at the 2015 International Tchaikovsky Competition. This Saturday, he will perform the 2016 Charles and Alice Murray Heilig Memorial concert at von der Mehden Recital Hall. The program includes Joseph Haydn’s jubilant Sonata No. 47 in B minor, Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata No. 6 in A Major, Rachmaninoff’s Variations on a Them of Corelli, and Liszt’s Consolations. The performance is at von der Mehden Recital Hall, 875 Coventry Rd., Storrs on Saturday, October 22, and admission is free.


    For more information, please contact Kirk Matson at

    For more information, contact: Kirk Matson at