Training and Professional Development

  • 11/11 Evaluation in Science Courses Workshop

    Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


    Lunchtime Seminar

    Providing an opportunity for faculty, graduate students, and professional staff to gather with colleagues to listen, discuss, comment, interact and reflect on a variety of topics to enhance teaching and learning.

    The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers the following workshop:

    Evaluation in Science Courses
    Diego Valente, Physics
    One of the challenges for many students in math intensive science courses is to understand the concepts involved behind the math. In introductory physics courses this issue is particularly common: students can solve certain problems, but lack the conceptual foundation to explain their reasoning. On the other hand, it if often challenging for the instructor to comprehensively gauge the level of conceptual understanding a group of students has coming into the course, specially in a large classroom setting. We present in this talk steps that have been implemented in our introductory physics courses to systematically assess conceptual understanding coming into the course, as well as during the semester. We discuss how this information can be integrated with regular course assessments through concept maps, and how this information can drive curricular and pedagogical reform.

    Friday, November 11th
    ROWE Center, room 318

    A boxed lunch will be provided.  If you have special dietary needs (vegetarian, gluten free, or both) please e-mail Stacey Valliere.  Requests made within 7 days of seminar will not be honored.

    Registration is required.

    To register and view more workshops, please visit

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at