Training and Professional Development

  • 10/20 College Savings Plan: Check CHET Out

    Saving For Your Child's College Education:  Check CHET Out

    Thursday, October 20, noon-1:00pm, Student Union, Room 324, in Spanish

    Thursday, October 20, 1:00pm-2:00 pm, Student Union, Room 324, in English

    A representative from Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) will be here to present information and answer questions regarding CHET.  CHET, Connecticut's direct-sold 529 college savings plan, can help you put a child's college education within reach if you start early, contribute regularly and ask for help. Learn about the Baby Scholars progam too. 

    Limited seating, Registration required.

    Sponsored by Human Resources in celebration of National Work and Family Month!

    For more information, contact: Department of Human Resources at or 860.486-3034