Research, Funding, and Awards

  • SHARE Awards - Deadline 10/24

    The Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts Research Experience (SHARE) Award is a research apprenticeship program designed especially for students in the earlier stages of their college careers. A SHARE project serves as an introduction to research in a chosen field and helps students develop the skills they will need for further research projects. SHARE awardees will spend 10 hours per week during the spring 2017 semester working on a project under faculty supervision.

    SHARE provides faculty members with eager assistants for their projects, allowing faculty members to focus on their own research interests while introducing future researchers to the realities of research in their discipline. Teams may also collaborate on student-initiated projects. Examples of SHARE apprentice duties include, but are not limited to, performing library research, assisting with experiments, coding and/or analyzing data, and conducting and/or transcribing interviews.

    Funding - During the spring semester, student apprentices will receive a $1,500 stipend (paid out as an hourly wage) and faculty mentors will receive a $500 professional development stipend. The OUR gratefully acknowledges the support of the UConn Humanities Institute for the SHARE Awards program; UCHI funds up to two student awards for SHARE projects in the humanities.

    SHARE Teams - SHARE teams consist of a faculty mentor and a student apprentice who apply jointly for the program.  Faculty members are encouraged to recruit student apprentices to work with them on a potential SHARE project, and students interested in the program may also approach faculty members to express their interest in a potential project. Please note that students must be majoring or pre-majoring in the social sciences, humanities, or arts to be eligible for this program. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible, with preference given in the application review process for SHARE teams that include freshmen and sophomores.

    Deadline - Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm on October 24, 2016.

    Learn more at and contact OUR (, 860-486-7939) with any questions about the program.

    For more information, contact: Office of Undergraduate Research at