Special Events and Receptions

  • 10/11 AAHO Race & the Future of Asian American Politics

    Tuesday, 10/11/16 - 6 pm
    Gentry 131
    During this election year, we will be examining Asian Americans and Political Engagement.  Keynote Speaker JANELLE WONG will address "Race and the Future of Asian American Politics."
    The keynote will be followed by a panel, moderated by UConn Asian & Asian American Studies Prof. Cathy Schlund-Vials, and including Prof. Fred Lee (UConn Political Science), Arlene Avery (Candidate for State Senate), and Gaurav Patel (community activist).

    Janelle Wong is Director of the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Maryland, where she is also Professor of American Studies.
    Wong's advocacy work has focused on support for affirmative action and other Asian American issues.  She has served as a guest commentator on The Melissa Harris-Perry Show and NBC News and her opinion writing has been featured in national and local news media.  She also was co-author of an amicus brief (“Brief of Political Science and Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents”) in the Shelby County vs. Holder voting rights case (2013).  Wong grew up in Yuba City, CA and attended UCLA as an undergraduate.

    This event is free and open to the public.
    Sponsored by the Asian American Cultural Center and the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute.
    For more information, contact: AsACC at asacc@uconn.edu