Additional UConn Information

  • How Environmentally Sustainable is Your Office?

    Find out how your workplace’s environmental footprint ranks among other participating UConn offices by taking part in the 3rd annual Green Office Certification Program.  Once signed up (which you can do here) you will receive a survey offered by UConn’s Office of Environmental Policy, which will be used to assess each office’s current performance in regards to sustainable practices.  Please sign up by September 30th. 

    By filling out this survey, you will have earned yourself the title of “Green Office Team Organizer”.  This means that you have the power to motivate your fellow coworkers and be a leader in sustainability, (even if that means learning along the way).  We will be in contact with you as far as sending out the survey and notifying you of your office’s score, as well as offering a Breakfast Forumto reward you for your interest in and dedication to improving UConn’s environmental impact, one office at a time. 

    We hope that you take the time to participate in the Green Office Certification Program.  This program is one of the reasons why UConn has remained among the top 10 universities for the Sierra Club’s “Cool Schools” national ranking for 5 consecutive years. 

    For more information, contact: Adrianna Antigiovanni at