Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 9/19 Simon Trujillo Lecture and Workshop

    Simon Trujillo, Asst, Professor of English, NYU, will be at UConn September 19-20 to present a lecture and workshop:


    September 19, 1:20 pm, Wood Hall Lounge

    Lecture: "So That the Thieves Will Not Inherit the Earth: Prophetic Histories of Land Grant Struggle in New Mexico"


    September 20, 9:30 am, Wood Hall Lounge

    Workshop: "The Mexican American War Has Never Ended: Fugitive Translation and Indigenous Land Reclamation"

    RSVP to to receive a copy of the workshop material.


    Professor Trujillo specializes in Chicana/o and Latina/o studies and literature, U.S. multi-ethnic literature, comparative ethnic studies in the Americas, and Borderlands theories and methodologies.

    His current book project centers on the cultural production of the New Mexican land grant reclamation movement, La Alianza Federal de Mercedes. A formative organization of the Chicana/o movement known for its armed raid of the Tierra Amarilla courthouse in 1967, La Alianza waged a dynamic and controversial campaign for the recovery of the Mexican and Spanish land grants that had been lost in the aftermath of the Mexican American War.

    His work explores unexamined intersections between Indigenous and Chicana/o cultural politics and contributes to the critiques of colonial modernity and settler sovereignty in the Americas.

    For more information, contact: Jason Chang at