Training and Professional Development

  • 9/20 Collaborative Presenting with Prezi

    Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


    CETL Workshop

    Providing an opportunity for faculty, graduate students, and professional staff to gather with colleagues to listen, discuss, comment, interact and reflect on a variety of topics to enhance teaching and learning.

    The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers the following workshop:

    Collaborative Presenting with Prezi
    Jamie Kleinman, Psychological Science

    During this hands-on workshop, Jamie Kleinman, a member of the International Prezi Educators’ Society will guide participants through a number of sample Prezis and lead a discussion about the pros and cons of different features.  Participants will create two Prezis during the session using templates and images that will be provided. They will receive technical assistance from Jamie and at the conclusion of the workshop, participants will come together and discuss ways they might consider integrating Prezi into their courses, for example by using it during their lectures or by having their students use Prezi to create work products.

    Tuesday, September 20th
    2:00 – 4:00 pm
    HBL Collaborative Classroom

    Registration is required.

    To register and view more workshops, please visit

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at