Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • Graduate Writing Support for the Fall Semester

    Fall Semester Writing Support for UConn Graduate Students
    This fall, the University Writing Center will be offering a wide variety of support for graduate students who want to learn to be better writers or who simply need to make time to complete their projects. These include a five-week seminar in academic writing for graduate students, several different retreats, and one-on-one tutorials. Please see below for a summary of our offerings, links for registration, and important dates. More information is also available on our 

    The Five-Week Seminar:
    This five week, non-credit-bearing course combines group discussions and instruction with peer and small-group workshops to hone an existing project while developing important rhetorical skills and strategies. The first seminar will run on Tuesdays from September 6th through October 4th, from 1pm to 4pm. Learn more and apply here
    We will be offering day-long retreats the first Saturday of each month (9/3, 10/1, 11/5, 12/3) and four two-hour Monday writing jump-starts (8/29, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26). Each is designed with a busy schedule in mind to allow you to dedicate time to writing amid the press of daily and weekly deadlines. You can register now for the first Saturday retreat and for the Start the Semester Off Write! Mondays. Learn more here

    One-on-One Tutorials:
    We offer personalized tutoring on writing for graduate students along the same model as what we provide to undergraduates, with some important differences. Graduate students interested in tutoring meet for an intake session before scheduling appointments so we can design a plan for the project that takes into account the best fit between tutor and writer and that allows sufficient time for the more complex work of graduate study. Learn more about tutoring here
    We hope to see you at these events.
    Please feel free to email with any questions.
    Eleanor Reeds
    Coordinator for Graduate Writing Support
    University Writing Center
    University of Connecticut, Storrs
    For more information, contact: Eleanor Reeds at